May 6, 2017

Argenta's Precious mentalitytest at Nynärshamn's workingdog Club

SEUCH Argenta's Precious

(Argenta's Kingsley x Xocco Saltus Ze Zahrabske)
Owner Boel Niklasson & Theres Björklund

The small prey - lilla bytet

She run all the way out to get it - hela vägen ut för att hämta lilla bytet

Activity important to relax - aktivitet, lugn och trygg

The big prey - avståndslek

Senja running out

All the way to play - hela vägen för att leka

"Dumpe" coming up

Stopping to inspect

No problem to check it out

Noice - skrammel

No problem - inga problem att kolla av

The ghosts - spöken
Senja is protecting Theres

In front of Theres all the time
No problem going forward to the ghosts

Playing while shooting - lek under skott.
Leker hon lika bra i slutet som i början?

Inga problem, metaltestet har inte påverkat henne

She reacts in the end as in the beginning. 
She doesn't react negatively over the test